Jeff Anderson, owner of California Minnesota Honey Farms is a long time migratory beekeeper with thousands of hives and a front line activist fighting the powerful pesticide interests in our regulatory agencies, the EPA, USDA, BIP and powerful Ag Public Universities. All are entrusted to care for bees and beekeepers, but they don't. They protect the chemical industries interests or as Jeff calls them, The Bayer Boys. For years Jeff has done everything he could to protect his bees from agro-chemicals. This interview was hard for me. Its long because I just couldn't cut his words. What he has to say is so telling, so critically important and the impact on me has been lasting. I didn't sleep for two nights after this interview. Jeff never wanted to be an activist but the system was set against bees and nature ever surviving our crops. An impressive man, I really honor his work and depth of knowledge and experience. Please listen...it heats up as it goes.