2018 - Tree Blossom Honey - Heath Ceramics
2016 - Tree Blossom Honey - Nopa Restaurant
2016 - Tree Blossom Honey - Quince Restaurant
UrbanBeeSF has won three blind taste test Good Food Awards for rooftop honey from Quince Restaurant, Nopa Restaurant and Heath Ceramics. Having never been fed sugar in any form, UrbanBeeSF honeybees enjoy their own food throughout the year and are never forced to make honey from processed white sugar. We take only a small amount from the bees when available, and that’s why they thrive.
And the honey is amazing !
This is attributed to a diverse and pesticide-free Tree Canopy in San Francisco. UrbanBeeSF Tree Blossom Honey is small batch and hand crafted, never using any plastic frames inside the hive and absolutely no chemicals or pharmaceuticals. Traditional beekeeping is the opposite of commercial/conventional beekeeping which in less than 100 years has devastated the spirit of both beekeeping and honeybees. Traditional is chemical free, authentically organic hive management encouraging natural hive health through good food and a bee centric mindset. Conventional beekeeping hobbles the bees along with drugs, acids, fogs and pesticides. In fact, most of the chemicals found inside a beehive are placed there by the beekeeper. Conventional beekeeping is unsustainable because of these practices. It supports monoculture/chemical agriculture like almond and citrus industries. Both of which destroy entire ecosystems and kills nature from soil microbes to flying insects and the birds that rely on them.
The Good Food Awards is the only honey contest with an ethics criteria which includes no placement of hives within 5 miles (the distance a bee could fly for forage) of toxic agrochemicals. It also precludes migratory beekeeping or honey brokers.
Conventional beekeeping and the honey industry have proven to be disastrous for bees because they support and are informed by chemical infused agriculture.