Collaborating and consulting with Hines Property Management in downtown San Francisco, UrbanBeeSF encouraged the planting of all organic and native trees and plants that provide nectar at different seasons for year round nutrition for bees. To date we have nearly 1/4 acre of safe and diverse food flowers. The happy result is an eco-friendly pollination effort from organic soil to organic sapling tailored to San Francisco's unique environment. At these sites you can see bumbles and honeybees, butterflies and songbirds and happy hummingbirds buzzing to collect safe, chemical-free pollen and nectar.
Please contact UrbanBeeSF to learn how your corporate landscaping can be truly 'green'.
55 Second Street constructed a ‘bee hotel’ from materials found in nature making a beautiful and interesting art piece as well as providing critical habitat for native bees which are attracted by the chemical free pollinator plants.
Restoring this life to the urban environment also benefits the humans; people are thrilled to see the birds and butterflies, and the bees.